Tuesday, July 16, 2013

All About Oils

Haven’t wrote anything for ages. Blame it on work. and laziness…
Anyway here is a requested reviews on my holy grail oils.

From let to right, Aura Cacia Grape seed oil, Well's Almond Oil, Home Health Castor Oil, Biona Virgin coconut oil and Olivoila Extra virgin olive oil

Aura Cacia Grapeseed oil: Bought it from amazon. Got the name from Make Up Alley, just see the reviews:
In last few months it has become my staple oil for pretty much everything. I cant help it, its so light, like you can barely feel it light. Till then I thought Vit E oil or almond oil are the lightest oil around but this is totally on a different dimension.

  • Texture is important because you when mix it with something heavy, it gives better result. For example, take castor oil, which is too heavy to use on its own. I used to mix it with almond oil to use on skin ( OCM/Oil cleansing method or to use on eyelash & eye brow) or castor + olive oil for hair but it will still be really heavy unless you use too much then the castor oil would be too diluted to be 100% effective. Like for 1 tablespoon of castor oil I’d need 2-3 tablespoon of almond/olive oil to make it light enough, but then I’ll be left with only 30-40% of castor oil. Not enough. But with Grape seed I can use a 50% concentration like 1 tablespoon of grape seed and 1 tablespoon of castor and it will be  light enough. In fact castor + grape seed gives the perfect consistency.
  • When used alone, it makes for a very good hair leave in product because it is light, I can barely feel anything on my hair, though I hardly ever use it alone (more on that later)
  • I have been using it as a make up remover, like I said, doesn’t feel as heavy as EVOO but does the job just fine.

  • I have used it for night facial moisturizer back in the winter and it was nice, but no longer suitable for hot summer nights. Same thing with DIY serum, its better suited as the oil component with vit C liquid, but I pretty much skip the oil and make my serum using ascorbic acid + water + witch hazel these days (summer!!!)

  • I Use it on body after shower every now and then, like I said, its really light so gets totally absorbed within 30 minutes just leaves a nice soft feeling. Really, grape seed oil is like no other oil I have ever used.

Will definitely repurchase

Well’s Almond Oil: Bought it from BD. Really cheap like 150 tk maybe... I used to mix it with castor oil for hair/ lash growth & OCM and use in my Vit C serum but grape seed oil has replaced it. So this is pretty much my last bottle.
Still a good option for those who do not have access to grape seed

Home Health Castor Oil: It is a cold pressed castor oil I bought from amazon.com. I have previously used locally found well's castor oil which wasn’t cold pressed. 

  • I mostly changed brand because I use castor oil on my face as a part of OCM and I wanted to use something organic.

  • Also for hair, I swear by castor oils. My hair is been growing in a nice rate Alhamdulillah in fact it now has the longest length I have ever had. And castor oil also help to promote new hair growth I have some baby hairs to prove it. I know people tend to avoid castor oil because its too thick, you just have to mix it with something like (like Almond oil or grapeseed oil) Anyone who is serious about hair growth should try it, trust me you will see positive result.

Biona Virgin coconut oil: This is my most most precious oil for hair. Only virgin edible coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil can penetrate the hair shaft and I wanted to try one for a long long time.

  • I use it in my hot oil treatment. I don’t mix it with castor + grapeseed because why thin out the mixture so at first I make a mixture of castor + grapeseed, warm it and apply on scalp and then I apply coconut + olive oil (warm) on my length.

  • I use it as a leave in on damp freshly washed conditioned hair ( 70% coconut oil + 30% grapeseed oil)

Btw, never use coconut oil in face because it BLOCKS pore.

Oh I bought it from amazon as well, it is a big container and would have lasted me for months if not for toasts. Yes, Toasts! I have also been eating it lol, coconut oil is really healthy and it makes an awesome toasts (the flavor and scent of sweet warm coconut on the bread, yummm)

Olivoila Extra virgin olive oil: Bought it from BD, this EVOO used to be my staple for everything. Like make-up remover, hair dryness, hot oil treatment etc etc. Now I only use it for hair, because, like I said before, only olive and coconut oil can penetrate hair shaft.
And oh, salad dressing.

Oh one more thing, I mostly keep oil in smaller container like, ease of use and less risk of contamination.

 I also have some essential oils (Lilly of Valley, honey suckle and rose, discard the other things too lazy to take a new picture) which I sometimes mix with these oils, mostly to add fragrance. Because though new age websites will have you believe that essential oils can do a lot of things but then again, it is mostly recommended to use 2-3 drops to be mixed with oils or body mists or bubble bath and 2-3 drops can barely do anything except to serve some aroma therapeutic purposes.

So there you go, any questions and comments are most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Have been waiting for the grapeseed oil review for quite a long time now! I will probably try the Coastal scents grapeseed oil soon :)

