Sunday, September 15, 2013

Contouring with Black Radiance Color Perfect Oil Free Liquid Makeup & Review

I have a round face so obviously contouring is a must. It just also happens to be my most fav make-up thing to do in the world, sculpting face in general.

So anyway I have been in a quest to find a perfect product for contouring forever. So far I have tried bronzer, brownish blushes even concealers....

Problem with bronzers is most of them are shimmery and shiny which which doesn't look natural. Contouring is shadow under the bone and it should be perfectly matte. I have tried different bronzers and then settled with E.L.F one because it is the only drugstore bronzer that is matte. It is okay for contouring, needs a lot of layering though and not really that durable.
Problem with blush is they tend to look red or orangish on my skin. no matter what shade I choose. I only bought this blush M.A.C. because of its resemblance to brown but it pretty much look red most of them time
I only tried concealers from Coastal Scent's eclipse palate because it was the darkest color available to me at that time, the color itself is okay, but it is hard to blend and looks kind of obvious.

Then there are the shade problem. Most of the contouring products even bronzers are made for Caucasian skin-tones or African American skin-tone...they either dont show up on my skin or is too much. You can still make them work, but layering and blending but its just too much work.

I am a subcontinental girl with a olive skin-tone and I needed variations. So instead of conventional bronzer, blush or contouring kit, all of which has only a few shades mostly for either Cacuasian or African Amecian skintone, I opted for a darker foundation which would have way too many shades.

I tried some foundation 2-3 shades darker than my skintone but they didn't work. Then  after checking out positive reviews, I went for a foundation specially made for african american skintone which are atealst 6-8 shade darker than my skin-tone. It is called Black Radiance Color Perfect Oil Free Liquid Makeup. I bought mine in the shade brownie

I got it from drugstore. It is only $5 so I thought even if it was a bad idea, wouldn't be that big of an waste. Fortunately, it wasn't a bad Idea. It worked out perfectly.

I totally didn't know the foundation comes with a wand inside because there isn't too many reviews online so it was a pleasent surprise. Seriously, it made application so much easier.

I simply dab the wand where I want countouring to be. It is dark enough with 1 dabs but really easy to blend until you reach the desired shade with either a brush, sponge or even finger. In the picture I used my fingers to blend for a rough demonstration.

And it is really light, just like a light foundation, doesn't feel like anything at all.Another good thing is, it doesn't interfere with the blush. Most of the times when I apply blush and bronzers, in any order, the place that they overlap they kind of mix and becomes muddy weird shade. Even with cream products. But once this foundation is set, nothing can bulge it and the blush work can be done perfectly over it, just like you'd do with any foundation.

Here is a 100% unedited picture of  my face contoured with Black Radiance Color Perfect Oil Free Liquid Makeup. See how perfect the shade is for me? The foundation has 3-5 shades, so even if brownie isn't the one for you, you can check out the others. Even you can try any dark foundation from any brand if regular contouring products aren't working for you just like they didn't for me.

Hope this helps! Anything you want to say, is appreciated :)


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