Sunday, September 22, 2013

DIY Shea Butter whip with coconut and honeysuckle oil

I have had one organic raw shea butter lying around in the fridge forever.  I had to process it before use and I felt so lazy! And I already have too many body butters as it is. But winter is coming and even though my hair isn't normally dry, it will be. So I made this DIY Shea Butter whip with coconut and honeysuckle oil.
Ofcourse it can be used on body as well. Also really good for nail and cuticles I heard but I made this primarily for hair. I have been reading so much about shea butter whips, specially in black hair communities. From deep conditioning to sealing, it can do wonders.  So thought why not.
It is pretty cheap too, like I bought 250 gm shea butter from for about 1000 in local BD currency and used only 1/6th of it. If I use it one hair, I will be able to use it for atleast 6 months. And DIY shea butter whips has a shelf life of almost 1 year.
You also need a carrier oil to whip shea butter, because in normal temperature shea butter is solid but the carrier oil will stop it from solidifying.  I used virgin raw coconut oil, because it is the best oil for hair but any other carrier oil like grapeseed, sweet almond or vitamin E would work just fine. Since shea butter doesn't has much of a smell and little cocoanut oil doesn't really contribute to the scent much, I added a few drops of honeysuckle essential oil which gave my butter whip a very exotic scent. You can also use food essence instead of  essential oil I suppose things like vanilla essence would make the butter whip smell pretty yummy
(Open in new tab to view larger)
1.So first I took 100% pure unrefined shea butter certified by Soil Association , which I bought from amazon.
2. This is what shea butter in unrefined state looks like, solid chunk of butter with a soap like consistency.
3. I took about 1 oz of shea butter, give or less and put it on a glass bowl. I am going to broil the butter so I boiled some water in a pot, took the pot off the stove and put the bowl with shea butter on the water. You can also microwave it, but I prefer this way to ensure 100% undamaged nutrition.
4. Then I added 2 drops of honeysuckle essential oil, which i bought from amazon as well
5. Then I added one tablespoon of Bione organic raw virgin coconut oil, also bought from amazon, because none of these can be easily found here in BD.
6. I took the bowl off the water when the the butter is somewhat melted. I know its not 100% melted but its okay as its going to be whipped next.
7. With a electric whipper, I started whipping the concoction. It had an oily look/texture at first but got a creamy look/texture within 5 minutes of whipping.
8. After some 20 minutes of whipping ( I took break in between) it became stiff and fluffy like a whipping cream. It also increased in size, almost 2x-3x of the original amount.
9. So I transfer the whipped butter to an disinfected and empty scrub container and its done.

I also used the leftover butter from the container on my body and hair and it felt so good. It is rich and fluffy and smells heavenly. Quite as good as any commercially available body butter and hair moisturizer.  If I wasn't so lazy, I would  have stopped buying commercial butters and buy shea in bulk and make different flavors of body/hair butter, but I am lazy so I will probably just make some for my hair after I finish these. It is 100% natural,preservative free and has coconut oil, the oil that can penetrate the hair shaft most.

So if you have dry skin or hair and looking for fun inexpensive DIY, give shea butter whipping a try. Let me know if you have any question about the procedure or anything else.

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